
утверждение типа СИ

Станислав (Москва, 20 апреля 2015)

Здравствуйте, нам нужно утверждение типа СИ.
Посмотрите, пожалуйста, текст ниже.

Сможете ли Вы сделать это для нас?

Спасибо, ждем ответа.

> We are seeking a quote for a GOST Metrology (Pattern Approval) for a family of Dual Bridge Load Cells. These cells are described as follows:
> Dual bridge load cell, fatigue rated low profile, specifically designed for airframe structural, lifetime and fatigue testing applications on wings, fuselage, landing gear, iron bird and other airframe components. ∙Series 1400 includes a dual output feature that offers sensor redundancy and the ability to provide control feedback from one output while the other is used for data acquisition∙A2LA accredited calibration to ISO 17025 in both tension and compression directions∙ Fatigue rated load cells are guaranteed for 100 million fully-reversed cycles∙ Thermally compensated∙ Moment compensated ∙A single shunt calibration resistor is provided with each load cell for ease of calibration at the test site.
> We can provide samples of the A2LA accredited calibrations for each model (I have attached a copy of our A2AL Certification for your records). The only difference between the models in the series is the size, weight, and level of measurement capability. Otherwise the load cells are identical in internal mechanisms and intended use. The Technical Documentation for the five models is attached. This consists of a Product Specification and Drawing for each model.
> We are seeking a quote for Pattern Approval only. Please let us know if you require any further information for the RFQ and also what the approximate lead time would be.

Наталья, +7 (495) 127-75-63, msk@gostus.com

Добрый день.

К сожалению, утверждением типа средств измерений мы не занимаемся.


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